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Today's Rude Mechanicals represents a revival of work begun in 1981. Over the past several years, it has been important for me as Artistic Director, to bring the theatrical experiences to a new and hungry audience, while at the same time providing a place for young theater talent to grow and thrive. 


Our intention over the next few years is to inspire ourselves and our audience with the new power of performance. Whether through new approaches of timeless classicals or through original work, our motivation is to engage and entertain. In keeping with the intent of Shakespeare's original Rude Mechanicals, the Rude Mechanicals of the Fredericksburg region have no bricks and mortar theatre. Rather, we rehearse where possible and perform wherever. Instead of having the audience come to us, we go to the audience. Therefore, we honor the spacein which we find ourselves as an authentic community theatre. Using local actors, directors, and stage crafters, the Rude Mechanicalsfrequently partner with local arts and business organizations to bring a variety of theatre and drama education programs for young and old.


Workshops, readings, performances...all of the work that means so much to performers and audiences alike remains our principal motivation, work and purpose. It is at the heart of the Rude Mechanicals.


You are cordially invited to join us!


-Fred Franklin



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